
Floating on a warm summer breeze
Eternally rising and falling with the wind
Adventurously plunging in the deep
Tediously balancing on a stream of hot air
Happily watching the fields from up high
Eagerly spiralling upwards
Rejoicing in the bright sunlight

Waiting for it all to begin…

Restaurants filling up…

Queuing for tickets…


Belgian waffles, yum…

F’Acteur on his way to his first performance..

… enjoyed by everybody…


The Roping Fool in full swing…


He had quite an audience!!

Interior decoration…

… Of “La Boule Rouge”…

Street cafés


Street musicians..


Fancy stilts!

Strange animals…

The kids loved it!!


There were two, actually…

Invitation to the next show!


New life!

A friend shared this photo and I love it! Just look at the colours of the eggs… New life everywhere…


I am…

I am the silver line on the horizon

I am the song of the blackbird

I am the colours of the rainbow

I am the taste of homemade bread

I am the scent of summer

I am the deep blue of the sky in May

I am the touch of your hands

I am the voice of the lark

I am the warmth of the sun’s rays


I am No-Thing in All



‎”The soul loves silence because it is shy, and silence helps it feel safe. The soul loves laughter because it seeks truth, and laughter often reveals reality. But above all, the soul loves life, and both silence and laughter are life-giving.” ~ Parker Palmer
Thanks to my friend Sue for sharing this quote first! It really sets the mood for the weekend…


Sireadh Thall

Seek beyond creation’s veil

Seek beyond

Look upon the sky so pale

Seek beyond

Search behind the clouds of your mind

Seek beyond

Seek and rest not until you find

Seek beyond

Gaze into a candle’s flame

Seek beyond

Pierce through the secret’s realm

Seek beyond

Patiently walk slowly on

Seek beyond

Spirit as your companion

Seek beyond



Hidden by a thick curtain of water

Ducking behind rocks

Peeping out carefully

Sheltering under bushes

Eyes bright between green leaves

Flitting from tree to tree

Crouching in the grass

Disappearing in a ray of sunlight

Growing in the womb of time

Unfolding senses one by one

Trying out slender limbs

Breathing slowly

Opening eyes of the heart

Stretching out hands

Gaining consciousness

I am



My soul is quiet now and still

I gaze over shadowy hills

Deeply drink my fill

Embrace the slight chill

O’ breeze’s frill

Life stands still


Photo curtesy of David Pitt

Happy memories…. Last year we spent some time on the Isle of Iona in the Hebrides. The boys were flying their kite and I took a photo of them against the evening sky. This is what my talented husband turned the simple photo into!


Have a look at his photos: http://lesoupir.wordpress.com